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Groups of Nacoochee

Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study

This women's study group meets each Monday in Room 1, Lower Level, at 10:30am

This group of ladies study short-term Bible lessons from trustworthy writers.

Journeyers Class

Journeyers Class

Adult Sunday School Class

The Journeyers study to apply Christ-likeness to everyday life.

Adults 2023

Adults 2023

Sunday School Class

The Adults 2023 meet in Room 1 of the Lower Level each Sunday at 10:00 am. The quickest access to this classroom is from entrances just off Rabun Road.

Upper Elementary Class

Upper Elementary Class

Teacher: Mrs Kathleen

Children Grades 2 - 5

Youth Class

Youth Class

Leader: Mrs. Deanna

Youth who have completed grades 5 - 11 meet Sundays at 10:00 am and most Wednesdays at 6:30

Mary's and Martha's

Mary's and Martha's

Adult Women's Group

The M&Ms meet the third Tuesday of each month.

Pathfinders Class

Pathfinders Class

Adult Sunday School Class

The Pathfinders meet each Sunday at 10:00 am in the Old Kitchen area, which is easily accessible from either parking area. If you have mobility issues, please park in the back lot off Rabun Rd.

Seekers Class

Seekers Class

Sunday School

The Seekers meet each Sunday at 10:00 am in Room 1 of the Lower Level. For those with mobility issues, please park in a space just off Rabun Road.

Babies and Toddlers

Babies and Toddlers

Sunday School and Worship

Our caregivers provide a safe and gentle environment in which our youngest thrive!

Methodist Men's Group

Methodist Men's Group

Men's Group for Fellowship and Mission


Pastor's Class

Pastor's Class

Adult Bible Studies

Pastor Keith Windmiller leads this group in selected studies.

Nacoochee Methodist Choir

Nacoochee Methodist Choir

Leader: Catherine Brooks-Geiger

The Choir rehearses every Tuesday at 5:30pm and serves in the 11:00 worship.

Pre K through First Grade

Pre K through First Grade

Teacher: Mrs. Ann

Our Pre K - 1st Graders meet in Room 6 on the Lower Level

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